Located just ten minutes (via paved road) north of Cambridge, this amazing place deserves to have three names! The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has touted this as Nebraska's "Most Scenic Lake" and in times of "low water", the many springs that bring this lake to and over capacity year after year are truly a gift.
Rated by many visitors as one of Nebraska's loveliest recreation spots, Medicine Creek State Recreation Area and wildlife land encompass some 8,500 acres of public land and water in southeast Frontier County, 2 miles west and 7 miles north of Cambridge. The dam on Medicine Creek is a zoned, earth-filled structure. It is 165 feet high
and 5,665 feet long. At the top of the conservation pool, the lake covers 1,850 surface acres, with 29 miles of shoreline. Water stored irrigates some 16,630 acres of land and has been the source of water Nebraska has called upon to assist with a water lawsuit filed by Kansas. Remember it is a State Park so a Permit is necessary to visit. Only about 90,000 visitors are recorded annually, so there is never a crowd and always something biting!
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